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- Over 14* years of experience teaching English as a second language (ESL).
- Over 10+ years of experience in document translations and interpretation in the petroleum industry.
- Over 20 years of progressive experience in safety training and consulting, dedicated to quality improvement, cost reduction, and revenue growth, with a specialized focus on petroleum logistics operations and management.
Professional Background:
- Holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Distribution and Logistics with a Minor in Business Administration.
- Successfully managed operations of bulk petroleum storage, packaged hazmat distribution, and orchestrated helicopter hot refueling and offshore distribution.
- Conducted logistical administration and supply-chain database development for materiel operations and personnel distribution for NATO in Germany, Denmark, and Norway.
- In-depth knowledge of environmental safety and health regulations, document control, product accountability, reporting, tracking, quality control, safety procedures, storage and distribution methods, supply chain storage improvement, payroll, and inventory management.
Training Excellence:
- Delivered over 3000 hours of basic offshore platform safety training to more than 1000 expats from multiple countries.
- Taught over 7000 hours of English as a Second Language.
Business Management:
- Proficient in providing third-party services to businesses, managing customer support, payroll, billing, government tributes, and the development of integrated systems.
Database Proficiency:
- Proven experience in using multiple database platforms. Proficient in Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office, and VBA.
Leadership Skills:
- Highly competitive team leader/player with a consistent focus on contributing positively to overall team performance.
Analytical Expertise:
- Skilled at developing complex analysis, resolving intricate logistical problems, and multitasking while meeting time-sensitive deadlines.
Communication Mastery:
- Translated thousands of pages of contracts, procedures and training manuals for various petroleum companies.
- Fluent in three languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
- Streamlined communication processes to account for explosives and petroleum, resulting in cost reduction, loss elimination and improved quality.